
Thursday, April 24, 2014

“The following audio and video is the public domain recorded footage of the Dodge Mine incident involving Mr. Peter Valentine holding a taser in his hand while aggressively provoking Mr. Dean Harrison.  Under oath, Mr. Valentine swore he never owned a taser and denied there was ever an incident at Dodge Mine involving a taser.  It is also illegal to own a taser in Zimbabwe.”    this is the link to the audio file  " This is My Mine!!!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Peter Valentine VS Homer Simpson/ the quick clandestine run to Dodge for a fast photo and then run!

Peter Valentine in his Sunday Best Clothes..
Make s dressed rehearsal to Dodge Mine or a place that looks similar. In that Dodge is there and a half miles long , running in for a quick photo is an easy task. It proves that Peter Valentine likes to be photographed , however it indicates nothing about the Company !!!!!
So Homer Simpson will now be the story on this close encounter with fame.
So close but / not very far Peter Valentine!!!!